Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Well, it's always been my nature
To take chances
My right hand drawing back
While my left hand advances
Where the current is strong
And the monkey dances
To the tune of a concertina...
Blood dryin' in my yellow hair
As I go from shore to shore
I know what it is
That has drawn me to your door
But whatever it could be,
Makes you think you've seen me before

Oh, Angelina.

His eyes were two slits
Making a snake proud
With a face that any painter would paint
As he walked through the crowd
Worshipping a god with the body
Of a woman well endowed
And the head of a hyena...
Do I need your permission
To turn the other cheek?
If you can read my mind,
Why must I speak?
No, I have heard nothing
About the man that you seek

Oh, Angelina. Oh, Angelina

In the valley of the giants
Where the stars and stripes explode
The peaches they were sweet
And the milk and honey flowed
I was only following instructions
When the judge sent me down the road
With your subpoena...
When you cease to exist,
Then who will you blame?
I've tried my best to love you,
But I cannot play this game
Your best friend and my worst enemy
Is one and the same

Oh, Angelina. Oh, Angelina

There's a black Mercedes rollin'
Through the combat zone
Your servants are half dead;
You're down to the bone
Tell me, tall man,
Where would you like to be overthrown
Maybe Jerusalem, or Argentina?
She was stolen from her mother
When she was three days old
Now her vengeance has been satisfied
And her possessions have been sold
He's surrounded by God's angels
And she's wearin' a blindfold
But so are you!

Oh, Angelina. Oh, Angelina

I see pieces of men marching;
Trying to take heaven by force
I can see the unknown rider,
I can see the pale white horse
In God's true name tell me what you want,
And you'll have it of course
Just step into the arena...
Beat a path of retreat
Up them spiral staircases
Past the tree of smoke,
Past the angel with four faces
Begging God for mercy
And weepin' in unholy places

Oh, Angelina.