Sunday, August 22, 2010

10 confessions I would rather not make in the real world because I know they may be objectionable for various reasons:

1. I find the Beyond Here Lies Nothin' video extremely artsy and romantic in a very real way. It evokes emotions that I don't think can be expressed easily, but can be congruously identified with. The lyrics (just wow!), the music, and the video convey so much together. I find the end too beautiful.

2. I feel people who communicate using bad punctuation, wrong spellings, and awful grammar, just out of callousness ought to be sent to jail. Or at least ostracized from everyday society. To me, it is akin to, or even worse than, drops of spit flying right into your face, while the person continues talking to you remorselessly. I can understand when the person deliberately communicates with certain people in such a manner. But some people communicate with everyone, in only that one way. Those are the ones I am talking about.
I hate the sms lingo too. Yes, I use it extensively myself. But that is because I know it is not a criminal offence today. I will gladly give it up as soon as it is made one.

3. Once upon a time, at the root of my existence, somewhere, there was a trace of socialism. Somehow, I used to think there is something wrong when kids who had rich parents enjoyed and flaunted their wealth. I hated that 18 and 19 year olds got to drive around in swanky cars without having to work for it. I don't feel that anymore, but I once did, very strongly.

4. I love the air kisses thing. The pretentious cheek brushing and the muah-muah. I love doing it. And I love watching it being done. And I am a straight guy in my 20s, who would play hard football all day for no money, if the system allowed that.

5. There have been times when I have felt that Sex and the City is just as beautifully written as Seinfeld. I am still the same guy in his 20s.

6. I think we can help society and people better with a faceless online identity than we can in the real world being ourselves. I know I can.

7. Sometimes I wish a major natural calamity (not terror attacks or bomb blasts or shit) occurs right where I am. A major, high profile one. Like a volcano or a tsunami or something. I don't care as much for the fact that I might die, as for the fact that it would be something really exciting to witness and battle.

8. I feel at some level, education really leaves you emasculated. It cuts your balls off. I think I am the biggest pushover in the world sometimes. People can dish out (and have) any nonsense to me and rest assured that I will probably only grumble about it on some blog. I am not comfortable tackling a situation head-on, or picking a fight and resolving issues right there. Also, its not so much about being generally non-confrontational (that too!) because I love to argue and debate and stuff. Its more about overthinking and over analyzing consequences. That comes from education.

9. When I was a kid, I used to have some fabulous ideas about how I would be when I was 'grown up'. I didn't know what age that would be at. Even now, sometimes, I want to be certain, drastically different things that I am not right now, when I am 'grown up'. And I still don't know what age I am talking about.

10. There are several things I want, think about, and wish for, that I may never be able to admit to. Even on an anonymous blog.