Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My dad, whom I have been seeing almost every day of my life, and who has always, always, had a beard, went clean shaven yesterday. I don't know why he had to shave off his beard, all of a sudden. I think there is more to it than 'I just felt like it'.

He is looking at least 10 years younger and attractive, and he was definitely feeling good about it. But having known him for so long, I felt really sad and betrayed looking at him. Betrayed. That is the word I had been looking for, all of last night. I couldn't believe I had never seen his chin, up until now. As a 27 year old, when you suddenly feel like you don't know your dad at all, just because he has shaved off his beard, it raises questions about own sanity and 'normalcy'. Its a really difficult and weird feeling to be dealing with. More nauseating and complex than what most people in this world will understand.

I guess a lot of people feel a more juvenile version of what I am feeling, when they 'go through' this experience as kids. Because I hadn't been through it, and because its not the same going through it as an adult, I wasn't equipped to digest it. I dunno...

I want him to grow his beard back.