Monday, January 25, 2010

Creationist, Evolutionist...Chinese?

As I sat there, doodling around, bored to death with whatever was going around, my friend started this discussion on a topic that has been discussed to death. Divine creation vs the Big Bang. No sooner did this fellow start that topic than another wannabe intellectual jump in with his angle on the whole thing. I love it when people still feel like they have explored some new dimension to an issue that has been taken, analyzed, ripped apart, then analyzed some more, then ripped further apart, and then analyzed even more.

So this guy started with how he had the inside scoop on how it could not have been God who created this world. My friend obviously assumed the opposite side of the debate and a totally noisy and unentertaining duel ensued. Note that had the other douchebag taken the side for God, my friend would just as happily have defended the Big Bang. I, in the meanwhile, sat totally zoned out, pitying myself for several things at the same time.

A few minutes later, when I zoned into the real world that was the thoroughly vain argument bubbling around me, I found out that somehow, my friend supporting God was totally serving this other guy. That simply meant that this buddy of mine was a better debater than this other guy, since neither of them really had any point. But nevertheless, it got me thinking.

Now I don't care much for either the Creationist or the Evolutionist theory. But if I had to, had to choose, I would go with the Evolutionists. Not because I believe more in science than in religion or anything. But very simply, in the black and white of it, this world looks more like an accident than a divine creation. If there was a theory that said that God created a different world, lets say called Zalubar, and the bagasse of that process eventually formed the earth, I am willing to buy that. But to believe this world is a creation of God himself is kinda reducing Him to a shoddy ass workman. If in fact, there are people who buy into the whole creationist thing (and there are like a bazzilion of those), I wonder what kinda mediocre God these people believe in. If they think all their God could come up with was diseases, deception, cheating, misery, crime, violence, hunger, disaster, and hatred, I am not sure they should be even worshipping such a God in the first place. Heck, the writers among us humans can conceive a better world, at least in ideas.

As always, I ended up departing from that discussion between the two of my buddies by encapsulating my own half-baked takeaways. Also attempting to reconcile the two so that we could end the most boring discussion in the world. Here is my version of the whole thing:

There was a God. He caused the Big Bang. Out of it was born a world. It began developing rapidly and if everything would have gone according to plan, God would have shaped it himself. However, due to the rapid growth the universe was undergoing at the time, God couldn't afford to focus simply on one project. Plus the costs too were increasing beyond their estimated values (scope creep if you will). So, the real God, outsourced the creation of this world to someone who would do the job with a minimum-acceptable-standards tag and in a reasonable timeframe, before the lava and all that cooled. Thus, our world was born. To the absolute optimists among us, there is enough to make them feel good...the rivers and the forests and the what nots. For the pessimists too, there is enough...the diseases and the cheating and deceptions and what have you. So, a project saw its completion, with minimum acceptable standards, a fair amount of cost cutting (through adoption of some second rate processes)but with just enough to justify its existence. Juxtapose this with todays state of affirs and you might agree that I have stumbled upon the most divine secret. This is the most I can offer by way of support to the creationists:

If you believe this world was indeed a divine creation, then God, the Creator, has gotta be Chinese!